Victoria Justice — Last Man Standing | Текст песни

Текст песни Victoria Justice — Last Man Standing



Last Man Standing



Last Man Standing

Johnny opens doors for me
But Michael's so willing to please
Tony lets me disagree
Whenever the hell that I want to
He wears his heart like a tattoo
You suddenly show at my door
When I don't need you anymore
But how is a girl to be sure
If she's never tested the limit
Before she goes jumpin' back in it

I'm not saying you're not great and amazing and all
You just met me when I'm not really ready to fall
I need to know I really tasted I tasted 'em all
To know you could be
You know you would be
The last the last the last
The last man standing
To crash to crash to crash
To crash my landing

The last man standing standing
Begging for my hand and
I just hit ignore again
Baby love is war I been
Running running
You want in the running
Well lemme tell you somethin'

I'm not saying you're not great and amazing and all
You just met me when I'm not really ready to fall
I need to know I really tasted I tasted 'em all
To know you could be
You know you would be
The last the last the last
The last man standing
To crash to crash to crash
To crash my landing

The last man standing standing
Begging for my hand and
I just hit ignore again
Baby love is war I been
Running running
You want in the running
Well lemme tell you somethin'
The last man standing

I'm not saying you're not great and amazing and all
You just met me when I'm not really ready to fall
I need to know I really tasted I tasted 'em all
To know you could be
You know you would be
The last the last the last
The last man standing
To crash to crash to crash
To crash my landing

The last man standing
The last man standing
The last man standing
The last man standing
The last man standing

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